Ukrfinzhytlo agrees on PrivatBank increasing eOselia lending limit to UAH 8.5 bln

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20:25 24.07.2024
Ukrfinzhytlo agrees on PrivatBank increasing eOselia lending limit to UAH 8.5 bln

 PJSC Ukrainian Financial Housing Company (Ukrfinzhytlo), acting as the manager of the eOselia government program, agreed on an increase by PrivatBank (both Kyiv) in the loan amount to UAH 8.5 billion from UAH 5 billion.

According to the company's statement in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, the corresponding decision was made by the company's single shareholder on July 22.

Thus, it was agreed upon the signing of agreements by Ukrfinzhytlo and PrivatBank on amendments and additions to the non-revolving credit line agreement dated October 28, 2022 to increase the loan amount to UAH 8 billion, as well as to the collateral agreement dated August 23, 2023 on additional security through government bonds with a nominal value of UAH 8 billion.

The maturity date of the credit line remained unchanged, October 27, 2043.

The eOselia affordable mortgage lending program has been operational in Ukraine since October 2022. Contract servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, security and defense sector workers, medical workers, teachers, and researchers can apply for a preferential mortgage at 3% per annum for up to 20 years with a down payment of 20% of the cost of housing.

From August 1, 2023, war veterans, combatants, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and citizens who do not have their own housing larger than the standard area can apply for participation in the eOselia program at 7%.

Under the terms of the program, preferential categories of participants can purchase housing in a house under construction and houses no older than ten years (in the capital and regional centers), while other participants can purchase housing in a house no older than three years or a building under construction.

Ten partner banks participate in the program: state-owned Oschadbank, PrivatBank, Ukrgasbank, Ukreximbank, Sense Bank, as well as MTB Bank, Tascombank, Globus, Sky Bank and Credit Dnipro Bank.

According to Ukrfinzhytlo, as of July 24, loans had already been issued to 11,636 program participants in the amount of UAH 18.489 billion.


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