Latest news for today in Ukraine
The National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission of Ukraine (NEURC), at a meeting on Thursday revised the tariffs for heat generation for the population, budgetary and religious organizations and other consumers for 23 combined heat and power plants (CHPPs) and cogeneration plants for 2021.
At the same time, tariffs for heat for the population were increased for all 23 companies; at the same time, the tariff for Dniprovska CHPP was the least increased (5.5%), and for Euro-Reconstruction LLC the most (by 49.7%).
Among the companies for which the tariffs for the population have been increased the most are Novorozdilska and Novoyavorivska CHPPs (both Naftogaz Teplo LLC, by 37.1% and 34.1%), Bilotserkivska CHPP (33.2%), Sumyteploenergo LLC (by 25%), Chernihiv CHPP (Tekhnova LLC, by 24.1%), as well as two cogeneration plants of the Miskteplovodoenergia municipal enterprise (by 33.5%) and the Khmelnytskteplokommunenergo municipal enterprise (by 29.3%).
After the increase, the weighted average tariff for heat supply to the population for 23 companies amounted to UAH 1,121.71 per Gcal. At the same time, the highest tariff for the Severodonetsk CHPP is UAH 1,471.54 per Gcal, the lowest for the Eskhar CHPP-2 (Kharkiv region) UAH 653.99 per Gcal.
Full information on tariffs is available on the NEURC website.
The NEURC substantiated the need to increase tariffs for thermal power in 2021 by a significant decrease in the volume of thermal power production, an increase in the payroll for licensees, an increase in prices for fuel and energy resources, as well as an increase in costs for services for the natural gas distribution.
The NEURC sets tariffs for heat generation for 26 licensees with a production volume of more than 170,000 Gcal and a level of commercial energy metering of more than 90%, which produce 50% of heat power in Ukraine.