For a long time, Ukrainian companies that produce vodka, had been the main buyers of UkrSpyrt’s potable ethanol, the raw material for their products. Starting in 2020, the law on liberalization of the alcohol market abolished the state monopoly on the production of alcohol, making it also possible to start selling the property of UkrSpyrt, an enterprise criticized for being corrupt and inefficient.

The State Property Fund has sold an alcohol factory from the state potable ethanol monopoly UkrSpyrt to LVN Limited, the owner of the Nemiroff vodka trademark, for over Hr 55 million, or about $1.9 million.

LVN Limited was the only participant in the auction on Oct. 15, but, since the company couldn’t know if there were other bidders, it offered a slightly higher price that the starting one, which was $1.7 million.


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