Latest news for today in Ukraine
NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy has lowered the price of gas for households in February to UAH 6.89 per cubic meter (including VAT, excluding transportation costs) from UAH 7.22 per cubic meter in January, Naftogaz said on its website.
"Naftogaz, as a price leader, set the lowest price for gas for consumers in February. It is lower than the price recommended by the government [UAH 6.99 per cubic meter] due to its own minimum margin," the group said in the press release.
The company said that it buys gas on terms that are available to other suppliers, and reminds that for customers who signed up for the Annual tariff last year, the cost of gas will remain at the level of UAH 4.73, UAH 5.24 and UAH 6.45 per cubic meter (depending on the month of subscription to the tariff).
Naftogaz reminded that as a supplier of last resort (SOLR) it is also ready to supply gas to all household consumers, the supplier of which is unable or refuses to provide its customers with gas at the price limit set by the government for February-March – UAH 6.99 per cubic meter.
Naftogaz Ukrainy Executive Board Chairman Andriy Kobolev on his Facebook page explained the price reduction by the fact that the group operates without its own branches, prefers electronic services and works with the networks of Oschadbank and FUIB.
He said that government regulation destroys competition, as evidenced by the absence of new gas suppliers for households over the six years of the public special obligations (PSO, until August 2020) and the unwillingness of large market players to adjust to the situation after PSO cancellation and abandon inflated prices.
"Although we can continue competing with each other within the marginal price, we hope that this regime will be short-lived. All suppliers can accelerate the return to market conditions by offering their customers not a price that was cut from the top, but their own unique offer," Kobolev said.