Biogas complex build by Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP), Ukraine’s largest poultry exporter, in Vinnytsia. The $15 million worth complex will be able to produce 20 megawatts and may become the biggest biogas complex in the world, according to the company. MHP is poised to become a top player in the biomass energy sector as it uses organic matter from its poultry farms.
The abundance of agricultural and forestry waste in Ukraine makes biomass a promising alternative energy source. There’s only one problem — the green tariff crisis scares away potential investor in renewables, including biomass.
According to Sergiy Savchuk, executive director of Ukrainian biomass producer Clear Energy, not a single project on biomass for electricity and heat production has been commissioned this year. The companies cannot attract investors to a country where the government owes big green energy producers as much as $780 million, which it can’t pay.