

Disconnection of TIU Canada’s 10.5 MW SPP located at NFP lies in plane of business dispute – solar energy association head

The issue with the disconnection of the solar power plant (SPP) of the Canadian investor TIU Canada in Nikopol located on the territory of the Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant (NFP) from the power grid lies in the plane of a business…

Read MoreDisconnection of TIU Canada’s 10.5 MW SPP located at NFP lies in plane of business dispute – solar energy association head

Almost 40% of Ukrainian enterprises positively assess impact of EU Association Agreement on their activities – poll

Some 39.3% of representatives of Ukrainian enterprises believe that their enterprises have significantly/insignificantly benefited from the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, according to a poll by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting. According to a…

Read MoreAlmost 40% of Ukrainian enterprises positively assess impact of EU Association Agreement on their activities – poll

Страны-соседи Украины остаются в “красной” зоне по COVID-19, помимо Молдовы, Беларуси и РФ – Минздрав

Страны-соседи Украины, помимо Молдовы, Беларуси и Российской Федерации, находятся в "красной" зоне по COVID-19, свидетельствуют данные на сайте Министерства здравоохранения по состоянию на 20 ноября. В "красную" зону вошли страны с показателем заболеваемости на 100

Read MoreСтраны-соседи Украины остаются в “красной” зоне по COVID-19, помимо Молдовы, Беларуси и РФ – Минздрав