Ukraine’s chief doctor: Zelensky offers local scientists US$1 mln for coronavirus vaccine

The official predicts COVID-19 will become a seasonal illness.

Ukraine’s Deputy Health Minister and Chief Medical Officer Viktor Liashko says that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will pay a whopping US$1 million prize to local scientists who will develop a successful coronavirus vaccine.

“I’ll tell you a secret. The president asked me to write letters to our academics and promised that if anyone develops a vaccine or a drug, they will receive – I don’t know from which fund – at least a million dollars,” Liashko said in an interview for the media outlet.

Read alsoCoronavirus in Ukraine: Almost 2,800 confirmed cases, 83 deaths as of Sunday morning

The government official also predicts that the COVID-19 coronavirus will become a seasonal illness and there will be recurrent outbreaks, and Ukraine and other countries should be better prepared for them.

As UNIAN reported earlier, Ukraine’s Health Ministry reported 2,777 confirmed coronavirus cases in the country as of 09:30 Kyiv time on Sunday, April 12.


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