Latest news for today in Ukraine
The Metinvest Group, taking into account associated companies and joint ventures, transferred UAH 22.1 billion in taxes and fees to budgets of all levels in 2020, which is 5% higher than the level of the year before last.
According to a Friday press release of the company, the largest payment of the group's total payments was income tax. Last year, Metinvest enterprises paid more than UAH 5.2 billion of this tax to the treasury, which is one third less than in 2019.
This is followed by a single social security contribution, the payment of which increased by 18% compared to 2019, to UAH 5.2 billion.
Metinvest enterprises last year transferred UAH 4.7 billion of personal income tax to the budgets, which is 17% more than in 2019.
In addition, the sources of receipts of the state and local budgets in 2020 were the payment for the use of subsoil in the amount of UAH 2.2 billion, the environmental tax of UAH 789 million and the land fee of UAH 713 million.