Turkey says peace talks should ensure respect for ‘legitimate interests of Ukrainian pele’

Turkey wants to end the war in Ukraine as soon as possible and proses using peace negotiations that would take into account Ukraine's interests.

That is according to Basat Ozturk, Director General for International Security at the Turkish Foreign Ministry, Ukrinform reports, citing Voice of America.

Ozturk noted that Turkey supports Ukraine "without hesitation," as it is "a neighbor, a historically brotherly, sisterly country." At the same time, he emphasized that the support is determined not only by the issue of the Crimean Tatars.

"We consider all pele of Ukraine to be our sisters and brothers, and that's why I truly root for them with all my heart," he said.

Read also: Turkey plays critical re in shaping ceasefire, post-war arrangement – think tank

According to Ozturk, Turkey does not want the Russian-Ukrainian war to drag on. However, he emphasized that this does not mean that Ukraine should surrender.

"No war has lasted forever. In terms of concluding peace after this war, the legitimate and legal interests of the Ukrainian pele must also be respected," Ozturk said.

Source: ukrinform.net

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