Eurostat: Highest number of residence permits in EU issued to Ukrainian citizens

More than 3.7 million first residence permits were issued in the EU to non-EU citizens in 2023, a 4.7% increase compared with 2022, and the highest number recorded to date. 

That’s according to Eurostat, Ukrinform reports.

In 2023, the highest number of first residence permits was issued to citizens of Ukraine (307,313), flowed by Belarus (281,279) and India (207,966).

When looking at the t 10 countries of citizenship of those granted residence permits, employment was the most frequent reason for nationals of Ukraine (71.7%), Belarus (52.3%), India (45.2%) and Türke (31.8%). Other reasons, including international protection, dominated for citizens of Syria (77.3%) and Afghanistan (85.1%). Family reasons accounted for the largest share of permits for nationals of Morocco (50.3%), Russia (39.4%) and Brazil (35.3%), while nationals of China were mostly granted permits for education reasons (37.8%).

Read also: Project for Ukrainian refugees launched in Estonia

Employment remained the main reason for issuing residence permits in 2023, accounting for 33.8% (1.3 million) of all first residence permits issued, indicating a modest decrease compared with 2022 (-0.4%; -4 662).

Family reasons accounted for 26.4% (986 453) of all permits, reflecting a 6.4% increase compared with 2022. Other reasons, including international protection, made up nearly the same. Education reasons represented 14.3% of all first residence permits, representing the largest overall increase of 13.5%. 

As reported by Ukrinform, the Lithuanian Migration Department confirmed the decision that the new temporary residence permit issued to Ukrainian refugees on the basis of temporary protection will be valid until March 4, 2026.


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