UK intel: Taboo against unmasked criticism of Putin regime weakens in Russia

The taboo against unmasked criticism of the Putin regime has significantly weakened in Russia.

The relevant statement was made by the Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom on Twitter, referring to the latest Defence Intelligence update, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

Commenting on the arrest of Russian former intelligence officer and leading nationalist mil-blogger Igor Girkin (Strelkov), the UK intelligence noted that he had long been a critic of the Russian Ministry of Defence’s conduct of the war. In recent days, his comments turned to direct criticism of Putin and his time in power.

According to the UK intelligence, while Girkin is no ally of the Wagner Group, he was likely only prepared to push the limits of public criticism in the context of Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin’s June 2023 abortive mutiny.

“The taboo against unmasked criticism of the Putin regime has significantly weakened,” the UK intelligence concluded.

At the same time, the UK Ministry of Defence believes this move is likely to infuriate fellow members of the mil-blogger community who largely see Girkin as “an astute military analyst and patriot”. 


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